Monday, 20 June 2016

Welcome to the Furzton Blog

Many years ago, soon after arriving here, I set up the Furzton Blog. I put up information which might be useful to fellow residents. As time passed, work and other activities led me to post less - and while the blog was still available - it's information became out of date.

I have now removed the previous posts - and from this morning am starting anew. I must stress that any views expressed are entirely my own - and I welcome any comments. I hope you'll subscribe to this very local blog - and if not subscribe to emails when a new piece is posted, will feel that you can visit it occasionally.

Do let me know what you think - either by commenting on the blog (at the end of each post there is a link which contains the word "Comments") or, if you see me around in Furzton, in person.

The calendar is incomplete at the moment - but I hope to start putting information up shortly. Drop me a line  (see above) if there is something that should be on the calendar.

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